01 May 2012

Youtopia - Out Now!

I'm very pleased to announce that Youtopia is now available worldwide on the various retail outlets, including iTunes, AmazoneMusic, and many others. You'll also find both the album and the single on Spotify.


1.  Gently
2.  Oblivious
3.  Two Faces   
4.  Justified     
5.  Hold My Breath
6.  What In The World
7.  The One
8.  Free
9.  I Do It Alone   
10.  Life Out Loud   
11.  Walk Away

If you're a fan of the music be sure to "like" Hypersoul on Facebook and elsewhere! Also, if you're someone who still likes to have CDs in hand, Youtopia will be available shortly at the HyperStore. The single, Oblivious, is available there now, along with previous releases, Getaway [Complete] and Beautiful Lie EP.